All who feel called to the art & the service of a Sister are welcome to approach us about membership. The Sisters are open to every gender, race, romantic alignment, class, species, phylum, beverage preference, & sexual proclivity. The process begins by making contact (see our Contact Us thingy below). Inquiries are responded to by our Mistress of Novices. She will guide newcomers through our process.
Becoming a Sister involves a short period of getting aquainted, then, if voted into the organization, a period of postulancy where the ropes are used to tie the new member to various furnit... no.. wait.. it's a training period! Followed by a Novitiate period which may then lead to the misfortune of full profession and a life of debauched iniquity. Goddess willing.
Please let us know if you are interested in knowing more about becoming a Sister (you fool, YOU FOOL!!). If you do not hear back from our Mistress of Novices in a timely manner, please poke us until we squeak and get in touch properly. Many of us are hopelessly senile, inebriated or encumbered by sexual excess.