The Sisters support many charities that help queer people & others through art, food, shelter, policy, education, and activism. YOU CAN HELP TOO! Please click DONATE NOW
When you donate to the Sisters, you can either:
Tell us what specific charity you wish your dollars to go to (see our Beneficiaries page or list one that you wish to bring to our attention)
What causes to which you want us to apply your donation (LGBT+ rights, Homeless queer youth, HIV/AIDS, transgender causes, LGBT+ elderly, and more)
Allow us to apply them to a charity we know needs support
Donate to the Los Angeles Sisters:
To our general operations fund to keep us working
To our emergency grant fund which we use to make quick donations to parties in great need.
Donations without specifications will go to our general operations fun.
Thank you! If you wish to make a larger donation and do not feel comfortable doing so via this form, please use the “Contact Us” page to let us know your wishes so we can talk with you and make appropriate arrangements.
YOUR DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE! If you need a confirmation letter for your donation with our tax-free ID number, please say so and tell us your mailing information in the message box.