Sister Rhoda Kill is the secret love child of Liberace and Phyllis Diller. I guess you can say she came out of the womb with a Laughter in her heart, music and theater in her soul and alcohol in her bloodstream.
Sister Rhoda is the first official recruit of founding sisters of the Los Angeles Chapter. She met them one fateful dark night back in 1996 at the Bullet Bar in North Hollywood where she was entered into the Bare Chest contest the Sisters were running and WON the contest and a nice bar tab too. The rest of the night was a haze of leather and jean clad men, whtie faced nuns and flowing booze. The very next morning as I nursed my hangover I found the Sisters Business card in my underwear and thought to myself, “These bitches are alright” So I joined their ranks by asking the amazing and lovely Sister Justina Nickatime to be my sponsoring mother and the rest is Sistory.
It is with great joy and honor that Sr. Rhoda Kill has helped to bring about GLBTQ+ awareness wherever she goes in white face and she herself has helped to contribute to the ranks of the sisterhood by Sponsoring two of her own daughters, Sister Mini Pearl Harbor of the 7th Fleet and the late Sister Bubbles Du Pop who is now a member of the Nuns of the Above.
Sister Rhoda also counts as her daughters , Sister Loosy Lust Bea Lady, founder of the Sin City Sisters of Las Vegas and Sister Truly Fierce, Founder of the Brew City Sisters of Wisconsin both of whom she met while doing “sisterly” work in both of those cities and guided them along their journeys to sisterhood and starting their own chapters.